Monday, March 8, 2010

I wont apologize for this photograph.

And she came storming out of the house in a huff and a puff, "Darling! Darling! I thought we we're supposed to have tea on Tuesdays? You can't possibly leave just yet!" The cloud of dust the car stirred as it drove off settled like rain. The house had nothing to it anymore, no life, just a few rickety rocking chairs and his photograph above the mantel. You could hear a mouse sneeze in this silence: She turned the oven up to 450 degrees and waited for it's lonesome beep to invite her back into the kitchen where she'd roast her head like a turkey.


  1. i've never seen another pair of small boobs. It's nice to know that what i see on mine (awkard, strange) is just normal.

  2. Well thank you El. I'm glad that we can share this together. I actually happen to like my boobs, I wouldn't mind bigger ones, but I think they're cute, and I'm sure yours are too .

  3. i think you've seen my drunk naked ass in arizona. anyway, there's nothing wrong with small boobs. we live in a male dominated society where women are told to be submissive. men reuglate the dress and wear and so do other women. both genders hate succesful, confident women equally. we're told to have big tits and be a size 0 and wear makeup and be sexually attractive, oh wait, but don't be a whore. we must retain this madonna complex they have for us. it all gets very dizzying. small boobs or not we take what we've got and don't conform to cultural standards of beauty.!

  4. I was also drunk and trying to confess my undying love to cat while you were lying on the ground naked so I do not remember as much as most people do. Haha. Plus I was just yelling at Terra for treating you that way. But anyhow, I couldn't agree with you anymore. But honestly, in the true meaning of beauty, doesn't that just make US the beautiful and them the superficial space cadets?

  5. I've been trying to grow balls and post a nude somewhere. But not somewhere too public, just somewhere where smart people who give a crap about trolling my life could find it. I think those are the kind of people who deserve to see my A-Cups.

    Plus, if I ever get famous (and this goes for you as well), nip slips won't even be cool anymore on the red carpet. It's been done.

  6. Three years ago, hell even six months ago I would have never done something like this, but honestly we're all animals, we're all human, we all take our clothes off.

    And pretty much we're both going to be famous, I'll come find you in your super fancy office one day so you can take the photos for the jacket of my book.
